Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to write a press release

I did something that I have not done in a long time. I went to and checked the message board. It's not that I don't like, I have just been too busy.

Anyway, when I went there I saw a questions about press releases. Being the kind, helpful person that I am, I answered the post.

After I answered the post, some more questions popped up.

"What kind of info do you put in a press release?" and "Any samples?"

So I decided to share some important points about writing a press release and more importantly, how to get your press release printed. I have included a sample press release from my Groomers Marketing Course.

Here is the sample press release that I have used. This press release turned into a full page article from a local newspaper. You have my permission to use it. Where ever you see the words in bold print is where you want to put your business name and contact information:

For Immediate Release Contact: Insert your name
Insert your number

Does Your Dog Shed A Lot? Free Report Offers Help

Does your dog shed a lot? If you said “yes” you’re not alone. According to recent surveys, one of the biggest complaints among dog owners is shedding problems. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to help reduce the amount of shedding that your dog does. Your name, owner of Your business name, has recently developed a report entitled “How To Reduce Your Dog’s Shedding In 3 to 5 Days.” The report offers eight steps that any dog owner can apply.

“Shedding is a natural, normal process; you should never try to eliminate shedding. We want to help dog owners reduce and control the amount of shedding. All dogs shed to a certain degree; the problem is when your dog starts to shed excessively,” says your name. “What we offer in the report are simple solutions for dog owners to use and apply. If the steps are followed, you can sometimes reduce your dog’s shedding by 75%.”

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Add safflower oil to your dog’s food. Safflower oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. It has been proven to help dogs with skin and coat problems, a teaspoon for small dogs and a tablespoon for larger dogs is all you need.

2. Apple cider vinegar can greatly help dogs with dry flaky skin. The next time you give your dog a bath, add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to one gallon of water and pour the mixture over your dog’s coat. Let it soak for five minutes and then rinse. This is especially good for dogs with skin problems and “hot spots”.

3. An easy way to rid your dog of excessive hair is to use a lint roller. Start by going against the grain of your dog’s fur and then go in the other direction. You’ll be amazed by how much extra hair this will pick up.

To get the complete report “How to reduce your dogs shedding in 3 to 5 days” call your business name at your number

Here's the thing about press releases. The press release has to written in a way that will peak the editors interest. When the editor is looking at press releases they are thinking about what's in the press release that is of any interest to their readers.

When you send in your press release make sure that it is double spaced and if you can send in a picture. This will increase your chances of getting printed.

Don't forget to send your press release to TV, radio and newspaper. You get get the names and addresses of all the media in your area by going to

Good luck!


P.S. Would you like to learn more marketing and advertising techniques designed just for groomers? Check out Groomers Marketing Course.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Love getting emails like this one

Here is an email that I got this morning:

Dear Mr. Letendre,

I watched the video from Napoleon Hill and it inspired me so much. I have been grooming since 1981 and now I am about to open my own business in New York City. I was so afraid and still nervous about it, but after watching this video it seems like my fears disappeared and I stopped doubting myself. Thank you for all you have done for groomers and people in general.

Thank you, Tammy

Isn't that a great email from Tammy? She is going to do great!

How do I know?

Because like you, she reads this blog. Now all you have to do is take ACTION!

Anyway, after reading the email I thought about a video that I watch every once in a while to keep me inspired, a video that helps me take action. This video is from the English version of American Idol. This guy is amazing and the video is great to watch when your feeling nervous or afraid like my friend Tammy.

See if you agree with me that this video is amazing:

As always I look forward to your comments.

Your friend,


P.S. Ready to take action? Have you checked out the New Groomers Marketing Course yet?

I'm sorry...but I'm a huge American Idol fan

Last night one of my buddies called me around 8:30PM. When I answered the phone I asked him if he liked to live dangerously?

He asked me why?

I strongly informed him that he was calling right in the middle of American Idol. He laughed and we had a short conversation.

I do like watch American Idol because I think it is a entertaining show but I also watch it because it provides a GREAT marketing secret.

Would you like me to share the secret with you?

You would?

Okay here it is:

American Idol is hugely popular because we get hooked on the personalities that make up the show. One of the best marketing secrets I can share with you is to use the force of your personality to drive your marketing and your business.

Even if you don't watch American Idol you may be familiar with the people on the show and the people that have been on the show.

Paula Abdul, always makes herself look like a bonehead every year. Very sweet and patient with the contestants but does some truly strange things every year. Simon Cowel, the grouchy guy from Great Britain. Very short tempered and not very gentle with the contestants.

Randy Jackson, the third judge, probably the least known because he does not have the strongest personality on the show.

Then you have the contestants. American Idol does an excellent job getting you to know and root for the contestants. We all become wrapped up in what's going on with them. By the end of the show you're hooked.

So don't be afraid to use your personality in your business. People want to do business with a person not a nameless, faceless business. Turn yourself into a brand.

Look at some of the big names in business - Donald Trump, Oprah, Martha Stewart, etc.

As the marketplace becomes more and more crowed with the competition this marketing secret becomes more and more important to apply. When I first started in the dog training business in my area there was me and one other guy.

Now, there are about 12 other dog trainers in the area. What did I do? I turned myself into the Amazing Dog Training Man. I had a logo made, wrote a book and positioned myself as the expert in my area.

Most of the dog trainers in my area can train a dog just as well as I can. BUT...

I am the Amazing Dog Training Man!

I turned my business into a brand. By becoming a brand I stand out from the crowd. I have name recognition, it's easier to remember me, to refer to me etc.

My last point. Believe it or not I am a fairly shy person. I am NOT the life of the party, I am NOT the guy that is the center of attention. If fact, if you were in a room with me and a group of people were talking about dogs, I would be the guy that is the most quiet. It drives my girlfriend crazy. She can't understand why I don't talk up more, especially when the subjects of business or dogs are being discussed.

I was much more quiet and shy before I started my business but I had to shed all of that because early on I learned this principle.

I can't stand being second and knew that if I wanted to be the best, most well known dog trainer in my area I had to use the force of my personality to stand out.

So here's your homework for this week: Start watching American Idol. As your watching it think about how you can use your personality to drive your business and marketing.

As always I look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions.

Your friend,


Friday, January 25, 2008

End Procrastination Forever

So yesterday I helped my sister-in-law move into a new home.

I got up at 5:30AM, drove two hours, rented a U-haul and spent the rest of the day helping her move.

If you were to ask me what my top five least favorite things to do are, moving would be right next to getting a root canal and meeting with my accountant.

It's the kind of project that you would procrastinate doing if you could.

Procrastination is a HUGE problem for a lot of people - me included.

I have to fight it all the time.

But I have found the cure for procrastination and I'm going to share it with you.

Here it is:

When you are focused on a task that needs to be completed, focus on the reward NOT the process.

Simple yes. Profound, absolutely.

Yesterday when I was helping my sister-in-law I kept focused on the reward:

Getting her kids and her moved into a new home.

When it comes to business we tend to procrastinate with certain tasks, most importantly working ON your business instead of IN your business.

See, doing the grooming, answering the phones,and cleaning your shop are all activities that have you working IN your business.

Planning, developing new programs for your customers, implementing systems for your employees to follow, and marketing and advertising are all activities where you are
working ON your business.

Here's the amazing fact to all of this. Most business owners spend all of their time working IN their business instead of working ON their business.

Working ON your business is where you make all the moola, the cashola, greenbacks, you get thepoint.

For the most part, we are to a certain degree forced to work on our business day to day.

Someone has to groom the dogs, clean the shop etc.


If you really want to make in your grooming business you need to start thinking about and doing the important activities that will bring in more customers.

Focus on the reward not the process. Remember that the next time you are faced with something that you do not want to do.

Your friend,


P.S. Don't forget, we can help you with process of marketing and advertising. In fact, we make the whole process so simple it's fun. Check it out:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Do You Want Your Pet Grooming Business To Be Successful?

Here is a video that I watch a few times a week. In this video Napoleon Hill author of the book "Thank And Grow Rich" shares the secret to being successful. I urge you to take a few minutes and watch it:

Your friend,


P.S. Don't forget you can get all the details on my new course at: