Friday, January 25, 2008

End Procrastination Forever

So yesterday I helped my sister-in-law move into a new home.

I got up at 5:30AM, drove two hours, rented a U-haul and spent the rest of the day helping her move.

If you were to ask me what my top five least favorite things to do are, moving would be right next to getting a root canal and meeting with my accountant.

It's the kind of project that you would procrastinate doing if you could.

Procrastination is a HUGE problem for a lot of people - me included.

I have to fight it all the time.

But I have found the cure for procrastination and I'm going to share it with you.

Here it is:

When you are focused on a task that needs to be completed, focus on the reward NOT the process.

Simple yes. Profound, absolutely.

Yesterday when I was helping my sister-in-law I kept focused on the reward:

Getting her kids and her moved into a new home.

When it comes to business we tend to procrastinate with certain tasks, most importantly working ON your business instead of IN your business.

See, doing the grooming, answering the phones,and cleaning your shop are all activities that have you working IN your business.

Planning, developing new programs for your customers, implementing systems for your employees to follow, and marketing and advertising are all activities where you are
working ON your business.

Here's the amazing fact to all of this. Most business owners spend all of their time working IN their business instead of working ON their business.

Working ON your business is where you make all the moola, the cashola, greenbacks, you get thepoint.

For the most part, we are to a certain degree forced to work on our business day to day.

Someone has to groom the dogs, clean the shop etc.


If you really want to make in your grooming business you need to start thinking about and doing the important activities that will bring in more customers.

Focus on the reward not the process. Remember that the next time you are faced with something that you do not want to do.

Your friend,


P.S. Don't forget, we can help you with process of marketing and advertising. In fact, we make the whole process so simple it's fun. Check it out:

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