Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Love getting emails like this one

Here is an email that I got this morning:

Dear Mr. Letendre,

I watched the video from Napoleon Hill and it inspired me so much. I have been grooming since 1981 and now I am about to open my own business in New York City. I was so afraid and still nervous about it, but after watching this video it seems like my fears disappeared and I stopped doubting myself. Thank you for all you have done for groomers and people in general.

Thank you, Tammy

Isn't that a great email from Tammy? She is going to do great!

How do I know?

Because like you, she reads this blog. Now all you have to do is take ACTION!

Anyway, after reading the email I thought about a video that I watch every once in a while to keep me inspired, a video that helps me take action. This video is from the English version of American Idol. This guy is amazing and the video is great to watch when your feeling nervous or afraid like my friend Tammy.

See if you agree with me that this video is amazing:

As always I look forward to your comments.

Your friend,


P.S. Ready to take action? Have you checked out the New Groomers Marketing Course yet?

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